Chaging your password
How to access your account when you've forgotten your username or password
United Baristas accounts are accessed using UB-iD, our secure process to keep accounts secure.
Your UB-iD username is your email address.
You cannot manually change your email address. Either create a new account or follow the changing your UB-iD email process.
Changing / Resetting your Password
Your can change your password using UB-iD:
- Start logging in to the United Baristas service you want to use
- You'll be redirected to UB-iD
- Click 'Forgot Password?'
- Enter your UB-iD email address
- A password reset email will be sent to your email
- Click the link in the email and reset your password
Creating a secure password
Ideally use password generator, such as in Safari or Chrome. Passwords must be at least 8 characters including at least 3 of the following 4 types of characters: a lower-case letter, an upper-case letter, a number, a special character (such as !@#$%^&*).

If you aren't receiving UB-iD password resetting emails, please read this information.
Keep your passwords up-to-date
Take a minute to update/delete previous passwords in any password apps, such as in Safari or Chrome.