Creating, editing & managing your Personal Profile

Profiles connect your listings, reviews and media across United Baristas

On your profile page, your current Job and Marketplace listings are displayed as well as information and contact details you choose to share, plus your recent reviews.

Creating a profile is optional but is recommended for people or companies who regularly use United Baristas Market.

You can create a profile either as a person or a company. Each United Baristas account can only have one profile.

Coffee Company?

Person and Companies have different functions. This information is about personal profiles. View information on Company Profiles.

Person Profile & Personal Profile Plus

There are two person profile options:

  • A basic person profile is free and recommended for people who regularly buy and sell on Marketplace, are looking for a job, or host events
  • A Personal Profile Plus is a paid feature and is ideal for people who regularly sell on Marketplace

Person Profile Person Profile Plus
Marketplace Listings Access to standard Marketplace pricing Free media packs and discounted featured listings
Profile Standard profile functions Promoted profile and enhanced profile functions
Duration Periodically renew to keep current Annual subscription

Features and pricing ➜
Job Listings

Creating a Person Profile


Some features listed are exclusively for Profile Plus subscribers

Sign in to United Baristas , navigate to your Account and click Add Profile.

  • Enter your Name, using your real name
  • Optionally add some personal information such as your favourite coffee equipment and industry accreditations.
  • Enter your Location – be privacy aware – we recommend entering only non-specific address information if you are an individual
  • Optionally add your Company or Employer, if they already have a company profile on United Baristas  
  • Optionally add your phone, website and social media profiles
  • The Feature Text is displayed on your profile page and is the excerpt wherever your profile is display across United Baristas . The summary is trimmed where space is limited, so the best summary bios are about 140 characters – about the length of an Instagram bio.
  • The About Your is displayed on your profile page is an an opportunity to share your story. Most people will want to use it as an about us-style page.

Add images to your profile

You can add images to your profile:

  • Add a 'Profile Picture'. This is typically displayed as a circular logo across the site and is cropped. Upload a square image for best results.
  • Add a 'Banner Image'. Display a header image on your profile page. Upload a rectangular image for best results.
  • Optionally add a 'Gallery Images', which are displayed on your profile

Editing your profile

You can update and edit your profile at any time from your Account.

Account Link

Want to switch to a Company Profile?

To switch from a person profile to a company profile, please contact Support.

Displaying listings on your profile

Your current listings are automatically displayed on your profile.

Renewing your profile

Your profile needs to be renewed periodically to ensure it's up-to-date. You will be sent an email when you need to update and renew your profile. If you don't renew your profile, it will be automatically unpublished and no longer visible on United Baristas.

Concluding Profile Plus subscriptions

Profiles remains visible until your subscription period ends. At this time, your profile is automatically unpublished and no longer publicly visible on United Baristas.

When you cancel a Profile Plus subscription, you immediately lose access to the Marketplace listing plans for Profile Plus subscribers. This includes free listings with media pack as well as other discounts and benefits. You can view current Marketplace pricing.

Unsuccessful subscription payment 

If the annual subscription payment is not successfully processed, your Profile Plus is automatically concluded. You can re-start your subscription from your account or by following the link in the subscription renewal email. 

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