What are Company Profiles?

Sell new and used coffee equipment, as well as your services

Company Profiles connect with Product Catalogue, Marketplace Listings and Company search, so you can promote your goods and services across United Baristas Market, as well as your Marketplace listings.

Specifically for coffee businesses

Company functions have specific functions for equipment distributors, resellers, roasters and engineers. Plus, discounted marketplace listings.

Creating a profile is optional and recommended for businesses that regularly use Marketplace or want to promote their goods and services. 


Each account can have one profile. And each profile is geolocated. Create more than one account if you wish to have multiple company profiles or locations.

Company Profile features ➜

Easy to set up

Company Profiles automatically connect with the Product Catalogue and are displayed across Market based on your location and the brands you sell or service. Set up your profile as accurately as possible for the best results. 

Guidance on setting up your Company Profile.


There is an annual fee for Company Profiles.

Company Profile fees ➜

Managing your subscription

You can update, amend and cancel your subscription at any time from your Market account.

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