Promoting your Marketplace listing

How to reach the broadest possible audience

Listing options on Marketplace

All plans benefit from exposure across United Baristas, including inclusion in relevant sections and searches as well as triggering notifications for people looking for items such as yours.

Featured Listings offer greater exposure to a wider audience, including prominent placement in sections and searches as well as placement across United Baristas.

You can edit and upgrade your listing at any time.


Use images and video to sell your items. Make sure you upload photos showing the item's condition and some listing plans allow you to upload multiple images and video.

Share your listings

The buyer may already be known to you. Share your recent listings with your social networks. Having a listing helps you sell to people you already know as it establishes market pricing and demand for your item as well as succinctly communicates the items features and condition.

United Baristas Community

Select listings are automatically processed for inclusion in our social media channels. As part of this process, listings are screened for quality. Listing that do not contain original imagery, accurate pricing or appropriate information are unlikely to be scheduled for posting on our networks.

To ensure your your listing is promoted to the broadest possible audience follow the guidance on:

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