Arranging shipping, delivery or collection
Exchanging goods when an item is sold
When an item has been purchased, it could be collected, delivered or shipped.
Collection or delivery
Picking up the goods in person has obvious benefits if buyer and seller are sufficiently local. As does the seller delivering the item.
The buyer can meet the seller and inspect the item before exchanging funds or marking the transaction as complete.
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If the goods are going to be shipped via courier or haulage company, consideration needs to be given to a number of aspects:
- Who will ship the item
- Who will insure the item
- How the item will be packed
Shipment by Seller
It is commonplace for sellers to ship items to buyers.
We generally recommend this process, so that the seller is responsible for the packing, shipping and insuring of the items. The costs, at least in part, are commonly passed to the buyer.
Shipment by Buyer
We appreciate that in circumstances where the buyer is able to obtain superior shipping rates (coffee companies often regularly ship bulky items), it may be financially preferable for the buyer to arrange and pay for the shipping.
This circumstance potentially creates a mis-match of responsibilities so we strongly recommend the parties agree minimum packaging standards and insurance in advance of the seller accepting the transaction.