Job Notifications

Notifications keep you informed about relevant job opportunities

Job notifications are now part of the United Baristas Services notification system, allowing you to create personal, powerful alerts for almost any search.

For example, you can set up a notification for equipment sales jobs anywhere in the UK. Or roasting jobs in the West Country. Or barista jobs in Paris. 

Tip: set specific notifications

Tailor your notifications as specifically as possible. For example, if you're looking for a full-time barista job in London Fields, you can set notifications for any of the following options – but the most specific option is likely the best:

Of course, Notifications work across all types of coffee jobs, all contract types and all locations.

Tip: monitor jobs opportunities with weekly summaries

You can also choose how frequently you receive each notification:

  • Immediately – Receive notifications as they happen
  • Daily – grouped into one daily email
  • Weekly – grouped into one weekly email

For most people, setting up a weekly summary allows you to monitor opportunities and then apply whenever the best jobs arise.

Additional information

You can update and delete notifications as your circumstances change from your Account. More information and tips are available in User Accounts support articles.

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