Cover Letter Assistant

Strong cover letters have better results

✅ Cover Letter Assistant

While our Cover Letter Assisant project is in beta, letters are typically higher quality than using templates and it's now the recommended option for most job applications

Writing about yourself can be tricky. To make writing a cover letter for your next job application easier, we've created several tools and resources:

  • Barista Cover Letter Copy and paste this template, tweak key information, and you can send your application Great for when you're in a hurry.
  • Cover Letter Template Cover letters have a standardised format, so you can use this template to create a personalised, bespoke cover letter.
  • Cover Letter Assistant United Baristas can now write a cover letter for you. Send us information about the job plus share your experiences and we'll write a bespoke cover letter. Typically five about 5 mins.

Overview of options ➜

Cover Letter Assistant

The more accurate the information you can provide us, the higher quality your cover letter will be.

Start using our Cover Letter Assistant ➜


Signing in with UB-iD is required to protect your personal information. Signing in info

Add information

Enter your name, the job title and name of organisation to which you are applying. Enter these details as you wish them to appear in your cover letter. For example, write 'United Baristas', not 'uniTED BARisTas'.


For best results, upload your CV. We can read it and use your experiences as examples in your cover letter.

You can also opt to copy and paste the text from your CV. This works well, don't worry about the formatting.

If you skip adding your CV, we'll write a more generic cover letter.

Select options

Select the best options to comminicate your work experience. You can add options by selecting the 'other' button.

Writing your cover letter

We need to review your CV and information and then write your cover letter. We'll then email your cover letter to the email you signed in with. We can typically email you a draft cover letter within a few minutes.

Make sure you review the information, checking for accuracy and grammer because you copy and past the cover letter into your job application. Make sure it's a reflection of you. If you are not quite happy with the draft cover letter, you can try again emphaising different personal qualities and experience.

The Cover Letter Assistant is in Beta. Please provide feedback on the quality and usefullness of your cover letter.

All the best for your applocations 💪

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